Bill Bradley’s Music

Did you know that Bill Bradley is a songwriter, guitarist, singer? Bill can be reached for performances by calling the Bradley Hotline 0911-609871. For gigs one can expect to hear the blues, rock, inspirational and original music.

Inhalt des Albums


1. Take it slow
2. Wiggle
3. Thru - (Hörprobe 1,9 MB)
4. Tears- (Hörprobe 1,8 MB)
5. Blue
6. I do
7. Lonely day

To buy an autographed copy of Bill’s CD send € 7.00 and ask for Bill’s music. There are seven songs on the CD which Bill performs brilliantly. The CD is about 30 minutes long. Bill demonstrates his songwriting skills and musical genius while playing the guitar and singing passionately.

No music collection is complete without the original autographed Bill Bradley music CD.